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Corporate Profile

Basic information

Company name H-ONE CO., LTD.
Established April 23, 1939
Representative Seiki Mayumi, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Head office location 1-11-5, Sakuragi-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 330-0854, Japan
TEL: +81-48-643-0010 FAX: +81-48-643-0040
Capital ¥4,366.93 million
URL www.h1-co.jp
Listed Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market Segment
Securities code 5989
Business year From April 1 to March 31 the following year
Business lineup Pressing and welding of various metals, such as automotive parts and motorcycle parts
Manufacture of dies and welding equipment
For details, refer to the “Products & Technologies
Board members For details, refer to the “Board Members
Organization structure For details, refer to the “Organization Chart
Number of employees 6,178 (consolidated); 1,227 (non-consolidated) (as of March 31, 2024)
Operating bases For details, refer to the “Global Network
Main customers - Honda Motor Co., Ltd. - Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. - Hino Motors, Ltd.
- Mitsubishi Motors Corporation - Toyota Motor Corporation - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Accounting auditor Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

Corporate profile

Origin of the company name

H-one was born through the merger of Hirata Technical Co., Ltd., and Hongo Co., Ltd., in April 2006. The company name represents the will to strive toward the realization of dreams by “bringing together (as one)” “the wisdom (eichi in Japanese)” of Hirata and Hongo employees united. “H” (pronounced as eichi in Japanese) also comes from the initials of both companies: “HIRATA” and “HONGO.”
The trade name of the new company was sought and selected publicly based on the principle that it should be determined by the ideas generated by employees, and was selected from among 260 applications. The history of H-one started with the aim of creating a new company culture and to be a company that can respond with speed and flexibility to the demands of our customers around the world.