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Risk Management

Basic concept

We consider that understanding risks in advance that could have a significant impact on our business activities and striving to prevent them from occurring are important factors for our Group to continue to develop in a continuous and stable manner.
Based on this awareness, we promote risk management activities based on the policies shown in the “H-one Group Code of Conduct.”

H-one Group Code of Conduct

Risk Management

H-one group policy

As a measure to ensure continuous and stable development of business operation, H-one group strives to prepare against potential risks that would prevent the promotion of business activities.

Required conduct

I will identify potential risks associated with my work, and strive to prevent them from occurring.
During times of emergency, I will act promptly and appropriately in cooperation with fellow associates in the workplace.

Promotion system

In our company, the Risk Management Committee chaired by the Risk Management Officer promotes the identification and analysis of our company-wide risks as well as the creation of a business continuity plan (BCP). The members of the Committee are elected from each business site and also the secretariat members are elected from each area of production, development, information systems, sales, purchasing, and management. The Committee promotes company-wide risk countermeasures.

Risk Management Committee’s activities

Identification of priority risks

Events that could have a significant impact on our business are identified as “priority risks” and the status of countermeasures in each area is verified.
We intend to plan and promote countermeasures from the viewpoint of preventing the emergence of risks in the future through the Risk Management Committee.

BCP (Business Continuity Plan)

We continuously formulate a business continuity plan (hereinafter referred to as “BCP”) for the purpose of continuing and/or recovering important businesses as soon as possible in the event of a large-scale disaster such as a massive earthquake.
The formulation of the BCP is promoted as a project in each business site while the Risk Management Committee serves as a secretariat.
Currently, we are promoting initiatives to operate and disseminate the BCP, such as education for employees and simulated training in accordance with the action plan specified in the BCP.

Response to COVID-19 infections

In consideration of the spread of COVID-19 infections, the Risk Management Committee and the general affairs department play a central role in promoting measures to prevent infections and spreading.
In addition, we formulate a practical manual that assumes the spread of COVID-19, for the purpose of which is both preventing the invasion and spread of the infection within our company and taking necessary actions to protect employees from the infection.