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H-one Group Human Rights Policy

Based on the belief of “be a company that has high expectations from many people around the world, and develop together with society as a company that can live up to those expectations,” the H-one Group, consisting of H-one Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “H-one”), continues provide value in various ways to create a better society and benefit people using our technologies and ideas. Based on the philosophy of “Respect for the individual,” H-one, as a corporate group that operates globally, has established the H-one Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) to fulfill its responsibility to respect the human rights of those directly or indirectly affected through its business activities, and will always strive to manage and act in harmony with the international community.

Ⅰ. Commitment to respect for human rights

H-one declares that it will conduct human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and advance initiatives to respect human rights.
To deliver on the above commitments, H-one respects human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its principal treaty instruments, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. H-one will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which it operates. When international human rights are not adequately guaranteed by national and regional laws and regulations and their enforcement, H-one will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles. Through these actions, H-one will respect the above principles of human rights.

Ⅱ. Scope

H-one applies this Policy to all H-one executives and employees. H-one also expect all business partners in our value chain who may have an impact through our business to understand and support this Policy and actively encourage them to respect this Policy.

Ⅲ. Human rights issues considered important

H-one identifies the following human rights issues to be focused on in the process of all business activities and will address them through appropriate procedures.

  1. Respect and acceptance of diversity and prohibition of discrimination and harassment
    Based on the principle of equality for all, H-one respects diversity and inclusion and does not discriminate in any way on the basis of race, ethnicity, place of birth, nationality, religion, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, age or disability.
    H-one will not tolerate any form of inhumane harassment that causes physical or mental distress.
  2. Providing a safe and secure work environment
    H-one strives to create a safe and healthy work environment that enables people at each workplace to exercise their full potential with healthy minds and bodies.
  3. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
    H-one will not tolerate any form of forced labor or child labor, including slave labor and human trafficking.
  4. Preservation of local safety and environmental health
    H-one strives through its business activities to ensure that local residents can enjoy a healthy and comfortable environment with peace of mind and safety.

Ⅳ. Governance

H-one will establish a system to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights on a global basis. As part of the responsibility structure that encompasses the entire value chain, the general managers of related divisions to whom the President has transferred authority in business operations are responsible for promoting respect for human rights, and reporting to the Board of Directors as necessary on matters that are important in fulfilling our commitment to respect for human rights.

Ⅴ. Human rights due diligence

To fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights pursuant to this Policy, H-one conducts human rights due diligence, including the human rights issues listed in III, to identify actual and potential negative impacts, and to prevent and mitigate them. When it is necessary to prioritize initiatives, H-one will give top priority to addressing the negative impacts that are most severe for the stakeholders involved in operations.

Ⅵ. Remedies and corrections

In the event it becomes clear that a situation has caused or contributed to negative human rights impacts, H-one will work to correct the situation and establish an effective grievance mechanism to enable appropriate remedies. If it becomes clear through relevant parties that H-one’s business activities or products and services are directly related to negative impact on human rights, H-one will strive to remedy the situation by reaching out to the parties concerned.

Ⅶ. Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders

Through dialogue and consultation with business partners (Including customers and suppliers), shareholders, investors, local communities, and other stakeholders who may be subject to human rights violations as a result of H-one’s business activities, H-one will continue to evolve its series of initiatives under this Policy.

Ⅷ. Dissemination and Education

H-one will engage in appropriate education and training to ensure that this Policy is disseminated to all H-one executives and employees, and will promote activities to ensure that all business partners in the value chain who may have an impact through their businesses understand this Policy.

Ⅸ. Disclosure

H-one will regularly disclose information about its initiatives to respect human rights through its website and by other means.

Ⅹ. Human rights policy development process and review

This Policy has been resolved and approved by the Board of Directors. H-one regularly reviews and revises its policies to respond to changing human rights issues in response to social trends and the business environment.

H-One Co., Ltd.
President & CEO

Seiki Mayumi